Solfac® EW50 is a spray against crawling and flying insects. An oil-in-water emulsion with specific emulsifier which encapsulates the active substance to achieve higher residual effect. The formulation contains low levels of solvent and therefore is virtually odorless and spotless. The active ingredient cyfluthrin, a pyrethroid, has a broad spectrum activity, a rapid initial effect and long-lasting residual effect of approximately 3 months due to the high UV-stability of the formulation.

Scope: Residential premises, hotels, hospitals, buildings with public and administrative use, offices, factories and warehouses, barracks, stables, ships, aircrafts, commercial and food processing industrial buildings, etc. Target organisms: Product is used to control populations of ants, flies, fleas, crickets, moths, beetles ball, brass beetles, mosquitoes, cockroaches, spiders, ticks and other crawling and flying pests. Instructions for use: Dilute product with water. Shake well before use. Use the solution within 4-6 hours. Do not keep residual quantities! Open the windows 30 min after the treatment and restrict access to the treated area for 6-7 hours.

Crawling insects >dilute 80 ml productin 10 lwater. Active substance concentration:

Flying insects >dilute 40-60 ml product in 10 lwater. Active substance concentration:

For further information, please refer to the leaflet.


Dose Rates:

Crawling insects >dilute 80 ml productin 10 lwater. Active substance concentration:

Flying insects >dilute 40-60 ml product in 10 lwater. Active substance concentration:

For further information, please refer to the leaflet.



Producer: Bayer S.A.S. Environmental Science, 16 rue Jean-Marie Leclair CS90106, F-69266 Lyon Cedex 09.
Importer: Euromed sh.p.k., Bajram Curri Blv., Pll 298, H16, 1004 Tirana, Albania, Tel.:+355 42 360 835.
Batch and production date: marked on the package.
Shelf life: 2 years from the production date.

Contents: 1L